Decree of the SÚJB No. 474/2002 Coll., on Some Measures Related to Prohibition of Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxin Weapons

Main information

Law type

National technical rules and national administrative procedures applicable to goods or goods of a given type

Product type

Biological agents and toxins

Direct link to rule


The Decree regulates: a) the list of highly hazardous biological agents and toxins which have the capability to be used as a weapon, and which can be handled only by a licensee; b) the list of hazardous biological agents and toxins which can be handled under the conditions stipulated by the Act; c) the respective study programs leading to Bachelor's, Master's or Doctoral degrees as one of the conditions determining a professional qualification. d) particulars on the keeping of records and on the data contained in declarations.

Main requirements that the business user needs to know about

Licence for managment is requested; declarations; keeping registers

Good(s) subject to prior authorisation under national law


Public Administration responsible for accuracy

Státní úřad pro jadernou bezpečnost, Senovážné náměstí 9, 110 00, Praha 1, ID DS: me7aazb

Contact details of the national responsible bodies is encouraged

Státní úřad pro jadernou bezpečnost, Senovážné náměstí 9, 110 00, Praha 1, ID DS: me7aazb

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