Government Order No. 173/1997 Coll., specifying selected products for conformity assessment

Table of content

Main information

Law type

National rules applying in general and not to a specific good

Product type

Selected products

Direct link to rule


Selected products for conformity assessment according to Government Order No. 173/1997 Coll., as later amended

Main requirements that the business user needs to know about

The manufacturer, importer or distributor ensures the conformity of the product for the products listed in Annex No. 1 of the Order. The manufacturer, importer or distributor of the products listed in Annex No. 2 of the Order ensures the assessment of the conformity of the product sample (prototype) with the essential requirements for the products at the authorized body (Section 11, Paragraph 1 of the Act) [Section 12, Paragraph 3, Letter b) of Act No. 22/1997 Coll., as amended]. The manufacturer, importer or distributor shall ensure that all products he places on the market conform to the certified type. The manufacturer, importer or distributor shall draw up the technical documentation which must enable the conformity of the product to be assessed. A declaration of conformity in the Czech language is prepared.

Good(s) subject to prior authorisation under national law


Contact details of the national responsible bodies is encouraged

Czech Office for Standards, Metrology and Testing (ÚNMZ) Czech Trade Inspection Authority (ČOI)

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