Main information about the service

The specified mining area can be abolished. The abolition is authorized by the relevant district mining authority by decision. Administrative proceedings for the abolition of the mining area may be initiated ex officio.

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Does this apply to me?

You hold a mining area and there is a public interest in abolishing that mining area.

Service outcome

Decision on the abolition of the mining area

How to get the service

What do you need when solving the service electronically

For communication with the district mining office, it is necessary to have the appropriate communication channels and scanned documents related to the project.  

Where and how to solve the service electronically

After the commencement of proceedings by the district mining authority, it is also possible to communicate with this authority electronically (e-mail, data message). The decision can be issued electronically by the district mining authority.

Electronic contacts for the filing offices of the district mining authorities.

Contacts for the district mining authorities can be found on the website of the Czech Mining Authority.

Could be solved via e-identity


Is the service charged when solving electronically


What you’ll need to provide

Relevant documents must be available for negotiations with the District Mining Authority.  

Where to solve the service

The service can be solved by personal communication with the relevant district mining office (seat of the office, registry office, protocol), or address postal items to this office. 

Contacts for the district mining authorities can be found on the website of the Czech Mining Authority.

Is the service charged when solving in person?


Responsible Public Authority

Český báňský úřad
Kozí 748/4
Staré Město
11000 Praha 1
Datová schránka: rn6aas6

Additional information about the service

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Communication language

The Czech Language.

Last checked at 30.11.2020

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