- Legal Disclaimer
- Section About the portal.
Portal operator
Project coordinator: Ministry of Industry and Trade ČR
Implementer and operator: Czech Trade Promotion Agency/Czech Trade (contributory organization of the ministry).
CzechTrade Promotion Agency/CzechTrade
Dita Slunečková – project supervisor
Štěpánská 15, 120 00 Prague 2, Czech Republic
e-mail: dita.sluneckova@czechtrade.cz

The Ministry of Industry and Trade
Ing. Miloslav Marčan – representative of the project coordinator
Na Františku 32, 110 15 Prague 1, Czech Republic
e-mail: marcan@mpo.cz
Suggestions, comments or questions about portal are dealt with by the editorial staff. We are here for you at address redakce@businessinfo.cz or on weekdays from 8.30 to 18.00 on mobile phone number +420 725 876 876. We would like to ask you to primarily use email for communication.
Business inquiries
Would you like to start up a business but do not know how to go about it? Contact a team of experts of the network Points of Single Contact through a web form.
- Online business inquiry – Select the tab: „Doing business in the CR” or „Doing business in the EU”
Protecting the personal data of users of the portal BusinessInfo.cz
(Act No. 101/2000 Coll., Law on the protection of personal data, as amended):
Users obtain information published on the website of the portal BusinessInfo.cz without providing any personal data. If the user provides any personal data to the portal BusinessInfo.cz (e.g. name, last name, address, contact to employer, phone or fax), this data shall be used only in communication with the user, for internal statistical purposes, and for the user to log onto a selected action. No personal data provided shall be published, sold or divulged to third parties without the express consent of the user, excepting those cases required by law.