If you have any suggestions or if you don’t find the answers needed, please don’t hesitate to ask our editors directly at faq@businessinfo.cz.
Basic information on the Czech market – lists of various kinds of country or market reports, specialized agencies and other data related to the developments on the Czech market.
Information on trade contacts and institutions – where to find potential Czech suppliers and trade fairs, addresses and profiles of trade promoting institutions, and how to contact specific companies of your choice.
Basic information on the developments in the Czech legal system. This document provides advice on how to keep abreast of changes in the Czech legal system, where to find various legal regulations, model contracts and contact details of competent institutions and lawyers.
Tips and tricks for foreigners on how to start a business in the Czech Republic, how to get a trade license, and where to find trade license offices.
Suggested sources of general information on the Czech economy – latest exchange rates, major supply countries to the Czech market, latest GDP data and monthly economic development indicators.